Hidden taxes in Camp proposal



Tax Vox' Len Burman takes a closer look at the taxation plan proposed by US Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI). While it seems simple on the surface, Burman writes that Camp's plan introduces new hidden tax rates and other issues.

By Len BurmanGuest blogger / February 28, 2014

House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp (R-MI) has produced an impressive tax reform plan that eliminates most loopholes, deductions, and credits. But the plan also introduces a number of hidden taxes that push marginal rates—mostly for higher-income taxpayers—well above the advertised levels.

For some taxpayers, the effective tax rate under Camp’s plan could be as high as ......

Read more here.  http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/Tax-VOX/2014/0228/Hidden-taxes-in-Camp-proposal